DISC Styles: Improve Your Performance


Are you familiar with the DISC profile styles? If not, there are four styles, Dominant (D), Influence (I), Steady (S), and Conscientious (C). Each style corresponds to certain behaviours that express themselves naturally in our interactions with others and help shape how we view the world.

How to Improve Your Performance at Work

We spontaneously create energy and vitality when displaying behaviours in our natural style. Behaviours that are not consistent with our natural wiring tend to drain us of energy, if we are exhibiting these behaviours too often we can become tired, lethargic and over-worked. Ensuring we are not regularly adjusting to behaviours outside our comort zone can help to improve your performance at work.

There is no one best style. Each style has advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your style, below are some of the most important things you could do to improve your performance at work. Making small adjustments each day to your natural behavioural style will help improve your interactions with others and build your confidence without causing too much stress. Keep reading to find out how you can improve your DISC style. 


D Styles Remember To:

  • Slow down and be more patient with others
  • Listen more to others
  • Be more aware of how you impact others and how they view you
  • Be careful to not over-react

I Styles Remember To: 

  • Talk less and listen to others opinions for longer periods of time
  • Try not to rely solely on emotions when reacting to others and making decisions
  • Do not over commit yourself
  • Focus more on details
  • Follow-up with employees, clients and prospects

S Styles Remember To:

  • Be more assertive and aggressive
  • Speak out and make your throughts known
  • Think less before acting
  • Keep your emotions under control
  • Do not be afraid of change and new things

C Styles Remember To:

  • Talk more
  • Make more prompt decisions and take action faster
  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes
  • Do not focus so much on the details that you loose the big picture
  • Accept that some things can be ambiguous and not have precise meanings