Extended DISC® Level 3 Master Trainer Certification

This “train-the trainer” certification will teach how to facilitate Extended DISC® Level One and Two accreditation courses.

The level three course is suited to any consultant, facilitator or trainer who has completed the Level One Practitioner and Level Two courses, is a regular user of Extended DISC® assessments and intend to hold regular Accreditation Training courses either in-house, online or as a public workshop.

The prerequisites of this course are:

  • Completion of the Extended DISC® Level One and Level Two Accredited Courses
  • Generated a minimum of 50 reports through your FinxS account
  • Have a strong background in training, coaching or facilitating

Resources and support

HR Profiling provides Master Trainers with all the resources that is needed to facilitate accreditation workshops, including a captivating PowerPoint presentation designed in-house by HR Profiling’s marketing and graphics team. Additionally, facilitator notes, participant workbooks and training support material to enhance the effectiveness of the training courses is also provided. 

The Level Three course will add significant value to any consulting or HR toolkit through a comprehensive understanding of the insights the FinxS Online Platform and associated assessment tools provide. Transform from a practitioner of Extended DISC® into a compelling and credible facilitator. 

Become an official Master Trainer. Enquire today!

Kelly Fairhurst, BEd(Tchg)​

As an experienced educator and senior teacher, Kelly initially joined HR Profiling Solutions Limited in 2005 as a trainer. With her background and vast product knowledge of both Extended DISC® and FinxS, including daily involvement in the interpretation of reports – her effectiveness as a trainer grew and Kelly became more vitally involved in management issues including supervising our accreditation courses. She was appointed General Manager in 2011.

In her role as General Manager, she attends all Extended DISC® World meetings and European meetings to keep up with developments across our range of tools. Kelly is the leading authority in Extended DISC® methodology across Australia and New Zealand. She works closely with our clients to understand their challenges and provide unique and customised solutions using our array of workplace assessments. With her creative flair and vast product knowledge of both Extended DISC® and FinxS, Kelly has helped to produce customised solutions for many businesses.  

Facilitator & Experience