Enhance Employee Engagement and Productivity

Elevate employee engagement and productivity using Extended DISC®, Open 360 Feedback and Climate Surveys. These tools are designed to transform your workplace dynamics and improve productivity.

Different types of workplace assessments benefit organisations in different ways. Surveys analyse the workplace culture and climate. 360 Feedback helps managers and leaders to identify strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots in their performance to support their leadership development. Sales Competency assessments assess the skills and mindsets of salespeople to build sales performance.

Behavioural Assessments are beneficial tools across all aspects of an organisation and help reduce turnover, build communication and interpersonal skills, and develop motivated and productive employees. Assessments help you get the best from your people, improve performance and productivity.

How workplace assessments improve productivity?

1. Personal & professional development

Leaders who support personal and professional growth of their team reap the benefits of greater staff engagement, increased productivity levels, and reduced turnover. Create targeted professional & personal development plans based on the insights provided by our assessments

2. Leadership development

With an Extended DISC® leadership assessment and 360° Feedback uncover behaviours, strengths, challenges and leadership blindspots.

Develop Leadership Skills to Avoid:

  • Disengaged employees
  • High employee turnover
  • Ineffective leadership

3. Improving sales performance

Equip sales teams with skills and strategies to increase sales with the Sales Competence Assessment. The practical coaching tips and development plans provided in the assessment help to jumpstart sales development and progress. The revolutionary FinxS® Sales 18 connects the Sales Competence Assessment to DISC theory to examine whether a candidate can quickly develop specific skills or if they are working against their natural behavioural style.

4. Employee retention

To mitigate the risk of losing valuable employees, it’s crucial to create a positive work environment where each individual feels appreciated. Utilising tools like the Extended DISC® Behavioural Assessment can offer deep insights into employees’ behavioral tendencies. Recognising each employee’s innate strengths and growth areas allows for aligning their behavioural preferences with their roles, enhancing productivity and job satisfaction.

5. Improving communication

Workplace communication is the primary motivator of many organisations for using DISC. Effective communication between team members can significantly improve productivity levels, the success of the company as well as the bottom line. The communication methods of the DISC styles are very different from one another. What works for communicating to a compliant employee will ruffle the feathers of a dominant worker. A DISC assessment provides tips to help an individual better communicate with different DISC styles.

6. Organisational development 

The Team Analysis and Climate Survey tools give managers a unique insight into the extent to which the organisational culture, goals and vision are understood, accepted and supported by the employees. They highlight gaps between management perceptions and the reality amongst the staff and allow companies to benchmark teams, departments, divisions or even the entire organisation.

Profile your Team Today!

Discover the power of tailored strategies with HR Profiling Solutions FinxS Assessments Tools and transform the workplace into a more engaged, efficient, and productive environment.

Watch this video to discover when, how and where to use workplace assessments within your organisation.