Identify Leadership Blind Spots and Overused Styles
Most leaders have blind spots. Uncovering these blind spots through feedback from peers and direct
Most leaders have blind spots. Uncovering these blind spots through feedback from peers and direct
Every company goes through ups and downs with employee engagement so that’s why it’s so
Have you ever been in a situation where you just knew your communication was not
As an employer, employee health and wellness does more than ensure your employee morale is
Sales Competence Assessments are excellent tools to use in Recruitment and Development. The tools analyse
Continuing with our webinar series on sales, this month we discuss the motivators of the
Conflict in the workplace is inevitable and can arise from different areas. Whether you are
With DISC Job Tempates we can match DISC profile types to ideal jobs and roles.
Creating new teams or developing existing groups?
Any business leader knows that an organisation
Many of us are familiar with the Extended DISC® Behavioural Analysis , but did you
Companies today invest enormous amounts of money, time, and other resources in advertising and recruiting
Selecting a new hire with the right competencies for your role can take a bit
Sales Management is not merely about managing a sales team and providing support when needed.
Leading people with different behavioural styles is difficult at the best of times and even
Learn how Extended DISC® profile can be used to help your sales team discover their
What can your DISC Assessment tell you about how you respond to and deal with
WEBINAR 18th APRIL 3pm NZST / 1pm AEST: What is the FinxS Sales 18 Assessment:
In this webinar Becky discusses why self-awareness and awareness of others is so important in
Do you tend to hire people of a similar type to yourself because you get
Introducing two new sales assessments to identify the DNA of Exceptional Sales Performance: FinxS® Sales
Can Extended DISC® be used for Couples? Absolutely!
Extended DISC® Couples Assessment provides a
We’re back with another FinxS Mini Tutorial on the Extended DISC® Research Module! This is
Businesses want their employees to work together. However, to achieve this it is really important
What’s an Open 360? When do I need to use one, and what do I
Teams Database is the new standard in team profiling tools . Create and save your
One customer service experience can change the entire perception a customer holds towards an organisation
Use DISC and FinxS Sales Competencey Assessment to help guide you through the Sales Process.<br
Explore the human resource and consulting tools available in your FinxS Account. Learn how to
Self-Awareness is crucially important in today’s workplace environment, as well as socially, personally and professionally.<br
In general terms the manager tends to plan, organise and coordinate to achieve results and
Are you looking for information about job fit?
It’s a significant factor in whether
Did you know you can customise Extended DISC® reports AND if you’re up to the
Tune into this webinar for your complete guide to running 360 reviews.
360 assessment
No matter how small or large your team is, understanding the balance of behavioural styles
There is no doubt that employee retention has a massive impact on the bottom line.