Hire top talent with Mathematic Reasoning Tests

What is a Mathematical Logical Reasoning Test?

A Mathematic Logical Reasoning test is one of the best predictors of a candidate’s mathematical aptitude. The test demonstrates a candidate’s current capability and strengths in understanding logical applications of mathematics, evaluating arguments, and detecting false reasoning. The analysis is a great way to identify candidates who can apply mathematics, logic, and statistics to help make reliable, numerically based decisions.

We’ve been supporting business for over 21 years to enhance their recruitment processes. Use our advanced aptitude testing platform, FinxS to make more reliable hiring decisions, predict the performance and working style of candidates, and decrease employee turnover.

Organisations with successful hiring processes place emphasis on recruiting employees with the right ability and behavioural traits for a role. These organisations understand that robust psychometric tests help select top talent, increase employee retention and avoid high turnover.

When administered correctly, reasoning tests can significantly boost the probability of selecting the right candidate for a job.

Recruiters commonly use the Mathematic Logical Reasoning test during the employment process to predict the job performance of candidates. The test typically correlates with researching, analysis of data, resource allocation, systematic data processing, performance calculations, number crunching, measuring precision, technical scaling and analyst tasks.

Analysing data, decision making and drawing conclusions based on data sets all require an excellent understanding and affinity for numerical data. Such skills are in high demand and needed for Research Analysts, Accountants and Resource Management.

Make Secure Hiring Decisions

Robust reasoning tests help select top talent, increase employee retention and reduce turnover.

The powerful FinxS Reasoning reports allow you to visualise the percentage of questions the candidate answered correctly. Understand what their test score may mean concerning their job performance and dig deeper into the results to analyse the candidates’ speed vs accuracy. Is it more consequential to hire a candidate who can make sound decisions quickly under pressure or who takes the time to understand the information accurately?

Mathematical Logical tests are easy to administer and are completed online via our cloud-based platform. Simply send candidates a link and an access code to complete the test. You will receive an automated report straight to your inbox within minutes of the test completion. Don’t waste time with assessment centres, administering a multitude of tests, and analysing endless reports. Provide your candidate with one access code, they complete the relevant tests, and you receive one integrated report.

Furthermore, create a benchmark and determine how the candidate scores in comparison to your population of choice. Research shows that ability tests are the most powerful predictor of job performance and have a 0.51 correlation to determining success in the profession. To put it in context, interviews correlate 0.18, references 0.36, and years of experience only 0.18.

Are you looking to hire a candidate with a strong ability to apply mathematical concepts to aid decision making? Mathematic reasoning assessments provide valuable insights into a candidate’s abilities, including the ability to:

  • Use and criticise numerically based arguments
  • Understand, interpret, and criticise statistical results

Analyse candidates’ against a chosen comparison group. Compare results at an organisational, country, and global level to provide additional meaning to the results. Quantify the attributes of your high performing employees to hire candidates fit for the job role every time!

Mathematic Logical Reasoning measures the ability to understand logical applications of mathematics, evaluate arguments, and detect false reasoning. It is the ability to apply mathematics, logic, and statistics to help make decisions. Someone who demonstrates strong mathematic logical reasoning might ask questions such as “What method could I apply to calculate the numbers?” or “if it is true that X is more than Y, then Y must be less than X.”

A candidate who scores highly has the ability to:

  • Use and criticise numerically based arguments
  • Understand, interpret and criticise statistical results

A low score may result in:

  • Indifference in decision-making
  • Acts based on incorrect conclusions

During the Mathematic Logical Reasoning section of the test, candidates are provided with statements. The candidates are required to determine whether the statement is true or false. Remember not to spend too long on a specific question or skip questions as this can damage your overall score. We strongly recommend you take the time to double-check your answers, especially on the more complicated questions.

Time yourself while completing a set of practice questions to become comfortable working under pressure. The tests are designed so that only a few people can complete them within the time frame. Working quickly, but without sacrificing accuracy is essential to obtain a high score.

Predict Performance with Mathematical Reasoning Tests

Aptitude test questions

The mathematic logical test is timed, candidates have 10 minutes to complete up to 18 true or false questions. Candidates are provided with statements and asked to determine if the reasoning is true or false. For example, ‘a building with 14 stories is higher than the combination of a 4 story one and another building that is twice as high.’ Candidates should expect to spend approximately 30 seconds per question. The questions become more difficult as the test progresses.

For example, “Animals, cat and dogs”. 

From their understanding of the relationship between the three categories, candidates need to select the best answer based on their knowledge.

Aptitude test answers

The mathematical logical test scores are presented in an easy to read report. Recruitment Managers receive a score summary of each test and comprehensive explanations as to how the score may impact the applicant’s performance. Using the Raw Scores table only available in the facilitator report, Recruiters can view how long the candidate took to answer the questions and the percentage of correct answers. Enabling you to assess the speed vs accuracy balance. Recruiters can also compare the score to a benchmark population to predict how the candidate may perform against other people in the norm group.

Next steps

The mathematic logical test answers are presented in a report that the recruiter or manager receives directly from the online cloud platform in an email. The results should only be used as part of an overall picture when hiring a new candidate. Once you receive the results, we recommend that all candidates receive some feedback. The tests can reveal strengths and weaknesses that the candidate may not be aware of. Once the candidate is hired, the results can inform a development plan to help the candidate become even more effective in their role.

Discover our Range of Aptitude Assessments

Abstract Logical Reasoning
Measure a candidate's planning, organising and delegating skills.
Word Association
Measure the ability to make links between concepts and draw logical conclusions.
Spatial Reasoning
Measure an individual's ability to perceive and understand the spatial relationships between objects or shapes.
Visual Memory
Assess a candidate's ability to remember and process relevant information.
Numerical Reasoning
Test your candidates to see if they can solve number problems by solving patterns and trends.
Verbal Reasoning
Evaluate a candidate's capacity to analyse complex information and accurately comprehend written content.
Mathematic Logical Reasoning
Measure a candidate's capacity to solve numerical problems.
Understanding Logical Processes
Evaluate how systematic a person's thinking process is.
Understanding Social Context
Measure a candidate's ability to read social situations.

Start assessing your candidates today